for life sciences meetings/events
Tips & insights gathered over 27 years.
At MTA, we believe in understanding. Understanding what makes an impactful event; understanding the technologies behind the scenes; understanding our clients’ needs. But, most of all, we believe in understanding what makes our team members tick — so much so that this understanding in built into a system that we employ every single day.
We know crafting a truly powerful experience is a complicated endeavor. Between experience designers, software engineers, sales people, venue sourcing, compliance, transparency and finance, there’s a broad spectrum of temperaments and skills assembled to deliver top-notch events.
While we work as one, we’re not pod people — we’re not a mindless collective. Each team member brings to the team their own unique experience, intelligence, creativity and je ne sais quoi.
To aid us in our mission we use a color-based personality system,, as a tool of understanding, cooperation, and communication.
Voltron. The A-Team. The Impossible Mission Force. We love teams. Especially ones that are perfectly configured to achieve a specific goal.
But, of course, everybody’s got different strengths and motivations. That’s a good thing. It’s important to have the right mix of personalities to bring out the best in everyone.
We us our personality assessments to analyze team members’ strengths and put them, MTA as a whole, and — most importantly — our clients in the best positions to succeed.
Enthusiastic, Optimistic, Good Communicator, Emotional & Passionate, Motivational & Inspirational, Outgoing, Personal
Analytical, Detail-oriented, Thorough, Industrious, Compassionate, Orderly, Methodical, Intuitive
Decisive, Achievement-Driven, Independent, Risk Taker, Takes Charge, Takes Initiative, Self-Starter, Persistent, Efficient, Competitive
Patient, Team Player, Stable, Empathetic, Compassionate, Loyal, Puts People Above Projects, Dependable, Supportive, Agreeable
People deal with adversity and moving targets differently. That’s okay. We use our “Relationship Intelligence” to properly — and productively — react and work with the myriad of ways people address conflict.
This way, when something doesn’t go as planned, it goes better than imagined.
You’ve probably have figured out by all the above, that we take our concept of colors, personalities, strengths, and motivations pretty seriously — so much so that it’s an essential part of our branding
You might have noticed that our logo contains four colors gathered together within a circle. This isn’t random. Those four colors represent the diversity of our people, personalities, and talents.
And that circle? That’s our common goal — bringing our clients the best experience possible.