With months of meeting only virtually, are you beginning to experience “virtual meeting fatigue”? It’s actually a real thing, according to recent studies.
Two Common Causes of Virtual Meeting Fatigue
More Concentration Required
Recent Microsoft research suggests that “brainwave patterns associated with stress and overwork were much higher when collaborating remotely than in-person.” Basically, more concentration is required for a virtual conversation.
Additionally, because the typical “go-to” virtual platforms are available to the masses, virtual meetings have become stale and monotonous – seen one, seen them all. They lack engaging features that combat against the barrage of stagnant virtual experiences which inevitably lead to virtual meeting fatigue.
But virtual meeting fatigue doesn’t have to be a hurdle. Miller Tanner Associates (MTA) has a comprehensive solution for both improving your participants’ focus and enhancing your meeting platform.
How to Create Elevated Virtual Experiences that Energize your Audience
MTA thinks outside the box of the typical virtual platforms to instead offer our clients an elevated virtual event experienceusing one or a combination of MTA’s many dynamic, engagement-driven virtual platform options to produce an event that keeps your audience focused and engaged.
No matter if you’re planning a basic webinar or a complex extended engagement portal, it’s not just about plugging into a virtual platform with all the best bells and whistles. It’s substantially more nuanced.
A successful virtual event requires a team of experts who have in-depth knowledge of various platforms and technology who can then curate and support an event production customized to meet your event’s specific goals.
Once we know the event’s goals, we can determine the types of features needed to customize for your specific audience, such as:
Need to showcase a sponsor? We can design key elements that enhance interaction between your sponsor/s and your audience.
Want to provide networking opportunities? Our team can build in features such as a “virtual handshake” that automatically connects audience members together based on commonalities.
Have multiple speakers in various locations that need to present? We can pre-record presentations and stream into one seamless production.
Want to elevate your branding within the platform? Our team can custom design a branded platform and speakers’ backgrounds that align with your brand, add continuity, and reinforce professional quality.
Interested in engaging your audience in a unique and different way? No problem. Our creative team has a host of unique gaming and entertainment options as well as interactive features designed to activate engagement from your audience.
These are just a few of the many options available to create an elevated virtual solution that’s tailor-designed for your audience and aligned with your event goals.
For many people, virtual events are an entirely new way to deliver their message and content. Virtual events require a distinct set of skills. As a result, a lot of people are left scratching their heads to figure out the next steps when planning a virtual event. Do you create the agenda first or determine the platform? Will the presenters be pre-recorded or live? How can you ensure that your technology is secure?
It can be quite challenging without guidance from an event professional. Similar to a face-to-face event, there are many moving parts that have to be thoughtfully planned, rehearsed, and executed; however, unlike a face-to-face event, the flow of a virtual event has to be thoroughly considered in order to maximize the abbreviated time with your audience in a way that creates a connection and not a barrier.
Consider these three proven ways to keep your virtual event on track for success:
1. Rethink Your Agenda
Meeting and event agendas aren’t one size fits all. You’ll need to approach your virtual agenda very differently from a face-to-face one. “Cultivate the agenda you have to maximize and keep attendees engaged and make the content captivating and purposeful for them to be engaged in a virtual setting,” advises Julie Hacker, Miller Tanner Associates’ Sr. Global Experience Manager.
Our team can help you align your agenda specifically to the goals of your event in a way that creates an outside-the-box experience for your audience; it’s imperative to consider the overall flow in order to create an agenda that delivers a seamless experience.
2. Practice Makes Perfect
Presenting virtually is an entirely different experience from presenting live on a stage face-to-face with your audience. Lighting, timing, cues, understanding how to use the technology tools, and technical rehearsals all play into a flawless production. Make sure that your presenters and moderators are well-rehearsed not only with their presentations but also with the technology tools.
Miller Tanner Associates offers extensive coaching to prepare speakers for delivering their presentations in a virtual landscape. We have developed a speaker’s guide and conduct one-on-one coaching as needed. We break down the virtual event minute by minute and walk the presenters through every detail of the virtual event through a full technical rehearsal so that they are prepared, comfortable, and ready to deliver their content in a way that excites, engages, and resonates with their audience.
3. Know Your Technology Options
This is where it gets tricky for most people. It is a full-time job in itself to determine all of the virtual technology that is available as well as learn how the platforms work and understand in such a way that aligns with the goals of your event. You could invest countless hours researching a platform which in the end doesn’t reap the outcome you intended. With technology, you have to consider the intentionality behind how it will be used for your virtual event, as well as the potential build-out of the platform itself.
With over 10 years of experience in producing virtual events, our team of experts knows the features, strengths, capabilities, and best use-case for each platform. We guide you through a solution that fits your desired outcomes for your specific virtual experience. Tailor-made to tailor your success.
The Miller Tanner Difference
The Miller Tanner team can determine how to best operationalize your virtual event from beginning to end. We have the training and experience necessary to curate customized virtual solutions that connect with your goals and maximize its impact while maintaining control of your budget – moving beyond a virtual event to an engaging and memorable virtual experience.
Contact us to learn more about how you can make your next virtual event a success!
Virtual events have been a Miller Tanner Associates’ (MTA) event option since 2010. In the beginning, virtual technology’s limitations only made it a viable option for a very focused event goal. Over time, as virtual technology improved, MTA broadened our use of virtual events suggesting it as an event option to a wider audience. We saw the virtual event format as another tool to use in designing events for our clients.
Today there are many competing virtual platforms and there are many devices in which to use for a virtual event. We recognize technology options move fast and we want to maximize the efforts of many versus developing only one virtual platform option. Just like there are many face-to-face event venue options, there are many virtual platform options. As a result, MTA has created comprehensive virtual training solutions that support a collaborative, engaging virtual experience.
Knowing the reasons why you want to gather and invest your time, drives the conversation about what event format should be used.
What is the goal of your event?
Are you gathering everyone together to train? Or are you gathering together to meet/discuss/collaborate?
Do you want your event to be collaborative?
Do you want real-time feedback from the remote attendees?
Do you want to meet with subsets of the general audience by creating break-out rooms?
Is security a concern?
Do you want to repurpose your event content?
Do you need an audit-ready attendance report?
Of course, in this time of a global pandemic, virtual is the primary event format available but there are many virtual event platforms from which to choose to accomplish the event’s goals. The clever and expert use of the right technology is the foundation of a successful virtual event.
We’ve just launched a new e-book designed to provide valuable information, best practices, and successful strategies for producing a seamless virtual event. MTA has spent the last 10 years learning the best features of the many virtual platforms on the market and we want to share that knowledge with those that are interested in learning more.
MTA’s global event designers favorite virtual platform features used to create exceptional virtual experiences
Thoughts on how you can repurpose your event content via MTA’s proprietary tool, VALTsTM, and help you define the concept of repurposing
Case studies that showcase a virtual town hall meeting, a virtual investigator meeting and a hybrid event using both virtual and face-to-face options
Frequently Asked Questions
If you need guidance along the way, reach out to our team at www.millertanner.com. Thank you in advance for the opportunity to share our knowledge of planning virtual events.
Since 2010 Miller Tanner Associates (MTA) has been planning virtual meetings and in 2016, MTA started producing successful virtual events. There is a distinction between meetings and events, and it’s helpful to understand the differences and similarities.
Virtual Meetings Versus Virtual Events
Virtual Meetings
A virtual meeting is a virtual screen-to-screen (S2S) gathering of remote attendees gathered to listen to a speaker present on a certain topic, receive training, and/or meet to collaborate. Usually less than 4 hours in length (3 hours is preferred for maximum audience engagement), a virtual meeting is considered a basic virtual format type:
Require basic production efforts
Have a smaller in size audience
Rely upon standard virtual platform features such as polling for content engagement
Virtual Events
Conversely, a virtual event contains the same basic structure of a virtual meeting – a S2S gathering of remote attendees – however, the agenda and the technology involved are much more complex. Virtual events are designed to create an experience, not only to deliver a message. There is more leadership effort in connecting with the virtual audience on a multitude of different levels. Their agendas can provide virtual options over several days and they usually involve the use of multiple virtual platform features such as:
Breakout rooms
Simultaneous interpretation
Wellness breaks
Matchmaking sessions
Other interactive options that connect the audience with the messaging
How Virtual Meetings and Virtual Events are Similar
Foundationally for both types of S2S formats to be successful, they must utilize a virtual platform that offers the features needed to achieve their messaging goal. The market has many virtual platform options, in which to choose and each has value. The trick is knowing the market’s virtual platform options/features and being able to successfully utilize them for either a meeting or an event.
Additionally, both virtual meetings and virtual events require:
Redundancy in their systems (backup plans to address internet fluctuation).
An informed designer (a talent that knows how to help speakers present virtually and knows the virtual platform marketplace).
Experienced technician (someone that can technically produce the use of the virtual platform features).
Focused, professional approach to create any successful group gathering.
When planned with a knowledgeable and talented team either a virtual meeting or a virtual event should achieve your results. The event industry’s opportunity is to be able to pivot from a face-to-face event format to a 100% virtual platform format and still be able to produce exceptional results.
Your face-to-face event has been canceled. Okay, now what?
You’ve decided to switch to a virtual option. Great! This should be easy, right?
Virtual events are not immune to Murphy’s Law – if something can go wrong, it likely will.
In fact, recent news headlines have either had you gasping in disbelief or laughing out loud at virtual meeting mishaps gone viral – everything from attendees forgetting they are miked and on camera to unexpected video-bombing in the background.
Why you still need a professional planner for a virtual meeting even if you think you don’t…
Virtual events, though in theory might seem easier to produce than a face-to-face, they are not; do not be fooled by this assumption. Virtual events require the same level of coordination as an on-site, face-to-face event minus the travel and lodgingmanagement and plus the technical capabilities and expertise. And let’s face it – many of us don’t have those technical skills required to produce a flawless event.
Here are ways our Virtual Events Team can manage your virtual event and all the minute technical details in between:
Define Goals
Plain and simple – you need goals to know what needs to be accomplished. Like every event, you need to have goals defined in order to determine your strategy. And given that virtual events pose a lot of hurdles, every detail has to be considered in order to meet your goals.
Source the Platform/s
A lot of virtual event platforms out there just don’t cut it for producing a highly-professional virtual event that has no hiccups. Platforms are not one-size-fits-all when it comes to virtual meetings and it takes expertise to know how to sift through what’s available and determine the best fit for your event.
After your goals are determined, our team can source the best platform options or in some cases, a combination of several platforms, to ensure the right delivery for your event needs. This might include (but not limited to):
Break-out sessions
Live polling and questions
Recording and editing to repurpose content
Instant messaging
Plan the Experience
Yes, that’s right. Even a virtual event requires a thoroughly planned and designed experience. People are wired for experiences – including virtual ones. There’s very little room for error, lest you end up with a virtual event that your attendees are at best – distracted by any mishaps and at worse – leaving the meeting before it ends. Some considerations might include:
Creating an engaging agenda that includes a perfect balance of breaks, conversation, brainstorming, feedback and more
Understanding best practices for a more interactive experience
Ensuring knowledge retention without presentation fatigue
Accomplishing all event goals in a condensed timeframe
Designing a tailored experience for your particular audience
Manage the Registration
Although your invitations may be a different format, your virtual event still requires:
Customized registration
Follow up
Virtual events have the potential of actually having a higher attendance rate if conducted properly. It helps to have a team of virtual planners working on your behalf to make sure that the registration is managed well from beginning to end.
Provide Technical Support
Even when the “show” can’t go on in-person, it still must go on virtually, which poses a lot of challenges for many companies that don’t have the in-house expertise and technical support that are truly essential to the success of the virtual event. This is a major component of the virtual event. It works just like an on-site event – but virtually. It requires a team of planners to:
Format your presentations
Coach your presenters
Upload the content
Design a meeting flow that aligns with the agenda
Set up and manage the platform/s for both the user and the presenter
Secure hosting and encryption
Support any technical issues at the ready
moderate the event
And of course, bring it all together seamlessly without a glitch while juggling the many moving parts
Please, just take our word for it. We’ve been conducting virtual events for over 10 years now; we’ve gained the expertise and have the technical skillset that will save you the headache of going it alone virtually. Let our team help!
Reach out to us to learn more about how we can transform your face-to-face event into a dynamic virtual experience.
If you are accustomed to conducting meetings in person or face-to-face (F2F), these are challenging times. What do you do if you have a meeting need, but given the current circumstances, can’t have that meeting in a F2F format? What if you have an upcoming annual event that you now have to consider planning on-line? What if your business has had to down-size and your in-house planning team has to plan your event with limited resources?
Shifting meeting and event formats from F2F to virtual formats can be accomplished when you have the right partner in place to guide you through the shift.
MTA is your Virtual Event Partner
With over 10 years of virtual event experience, Miller Tanner Associates (MTA) has the ability to guide our clients through the unexpected. We help you make the right decision for the event format you need to reach your audience. Sometimes life gets in the way and you have to pivot. And in those times, MTA pivots to virtual solutions.
Miller Tanner Associates has a well-equipped team of virtual meeting experts, all of the essential systems in-house, and the strategies and processes in place to manage a seamless virtual event.
Virtual Solution Options:
1) Virtual Meeting or Virtual Meeting Series
Deliver your meeting messages virtually and connect directly to your attendees. Each attendee can participate in real-time from their respective remote sites. Keep your agenda short and concise to ensure engagement and knowledge retention. Schedule one concise virtual event or a series of short virtual events to cover more topics. Learn more about virtual events, here.
2) Series of Regional Virtual Meetings (Hybrid or “Glocal”)
Bring smaller groups together (in less impacted areas) for hybrid regional virtual events to recreate a face-to-face experience while using virtual technology to deliver your message.
3) Virtual Now + Face-to-Face Later
Deliver the most pertinent information now virtually ahead of your planned face-to-face event later. Schedule a highly-focused virtual event to address your most critical information so that your team stays informed until your in-person meeting can take place.
4) 100% Virtual + VALTs ™ (Virtual Assessment Learning and Training Source)
Record your message virtually and disperse it using Miller Tanner Associates’ (MTA) proprietary tool, VALTs™ (Virtual Assessment Learning and Training Source) to train your teams in any location, at their convenience, and in their respective time zones.
VALTs™ can replicate your message or provide training that is budget-friendly while simultaneously creating an audit-ready, permission-based training record that can be accessed in real-time.
Combined together, virtual events and our customized VALTS™ product is a dynamic dual solution for your alternative meeting needs.
5) Face-to-Face + Virtual + VALTs ™
Use a combination of all three options. If you’ve postponed your face-to-face meeting to a later date, you can deliver your message with a virtual pre-meeting while using VALTs ™ to repeat your presentations and disseminate your important documents well into the future.
Virtual Event Expertise
MTA has the expertise to produce interactive, engaging, laser-focused virtual events, that can be easily be replicated to achieve your virtual event messaging goals. We can work with your in-house planning teams to fill in the gaps or partner with your business to provide our full scope of meeting planning services.
Miller Tanner Associates is making bold changes in 2020, starting with the launch of our newly-branded website! Easily navigate our webpages for the answers you need to deliver exceptional event experiences. (Scroll down for some of our site’s highlights.)
A digital defense is the best sense when it comes to your event’s data. Our security and compliance experts equip your event with every necessary safeguard to ensure its data is secure.
We’ve redesigned and refined our site to provide more in-depth infographics detailing the nuts and bolts of our proprietary products, unique tech features, and superior niche services.
We aren’t the only ones who know the value. In fact, Incentive Research Foundation (IRF) conducted a study which concluded that incentive travel programs strongly impact:
Organizational culture
Business results
The Impact of Incentive Programs
This research conducted by IRF determined that the combination of the following five essential elements defines the core of the successful travel program:
The earning and selection criteria for the reward were clearly tied to business objectives.
Communication about the program and the progress participants were making toward goals was clear and consistent. Anticipation built throughout the year and kept employees motivated to achieve their objectives.
The design of the travel program, including desirable destinations, interactive sessions and leisure time for the earners, added to the overall excitement.
Executives and key managers acted as hosts to reinforce the company’s commitment to the reward program and recognition.
The company kept detailed records that prove the productivity of the earners and their contributions to the company’s financial performance.
The study also found that in order to maximize the benefit of an incentive travel program it must also include:
Recognition of earners
Networking opportunities for top performers to build relationships with other top performers and key management
Collaboration among top performers and management about best practices and ideas
Motivation of earners to continue to achieve high performance
The study concluded that employees are motivated by both the incentive travel award and the recognition they receive from participating corporate leaders. Additionally, incentive travel programs are an important factor for retaining top performers within a company.
This study suggests that when companies use incentive travel/rewards programs as a way to invest in their employees they are more likely to gain better business outcomes as a result.
The event planning team at Miller Tanner Associates knows exactly how to create the ultimate, rewarding experience that will recognize the hard work of your top producers. We can help design and deliver an incentive travel experience that accomplishes the 5 key essentials mentioned to ensure a successful and memorable incentive program event for your team.
For more ideas on how you can create a rewarding experience for your top producers, click here.
For the full details regarding this study, visit IRF.
Contact our team to learn more about how we can plan your upcoming incentive travel.
August always feels like a “reset” month at Miller Tanner Associates (MTA) as it’s the first full month after our annual workshop and a starting point at which to implement the outcomes from our annual gathering.
One of our most significant workshop outcomes is the introduction of our new Strategic Leadership Team (SLT). The Strategic Leadership Team consists of the key leaders at MTA who provide the global leadership for the Global Experiences, Finance, Technology Services, Compliance, and Commercial Teams. I’m pleased to announce that Jennifer Sweeney, Daniel Conroy, Mary Long, Meredith Shottes and Scott Nodolf will serve as the SLT and join me in leading the vision for MTA.
As a united team, we bring our collective brainpower together to address the many aspects of running a global event planning business that provides not only exceptional core services (live, virtual and hybrid events) but also includes proprietary products (VALTS, Attend, and EPIC) that enhance our clients’ overall event experiences.
Providing exceptional event logistical services is at the foundation of MTA, but offering proprietary digital products is the MTA differentiator. I look forward to working alongside the talented voices of Jennifer, Daniel, Mary, Meredith, and Scott to elevate MTA for our clients, vendors, and the highly-valued MTA global team.
Concerned about cost, accessibility, and flexibility when it comes to your events? A virtual event can be the answer to your event challenges. Full article
Follow these 5 best practices to boost your meeting attendance. Full article
Do You Need More from Your Events?
Our team can help transform your event experiences! Learn ways to boost event engagement, find out how to use your event data to increase your event’s ROI, and discover the latest event trends. Follow us on social media where you’ll learn these best practices and more to enhance your event experience.
Miller Tanner Associates (MTA) is excited to announce the expansion of the company’s leadership with the creation of a Strategic Leadership Team (SLT). The SLT provides a forum for the leaders of our Global Experiences, Technology Services, Compliance, Commercial, and Finance Teams to provide direction for our global workforce and to enhance product and service offerings for our global customers.
“MTA is foundationally an expert in logistics, technology, and design creating exceptional global events; however, MTA offers so much more which we are working toward visualizing for our clients. The combined efforts of the MTA Strategic Leadership Team will ensure that our goals are met by providing best-in-class customer experiences through our various service and product offerings and our proprietary technology,” CEO Marnie Miller Battistini explained.
We are pleased to introduce you to the Miller Tanner Associates Strategic Leadership Team:
Daniel Conroy, Chief Digital Officer
“Daniel brings to the Technology Services Team his years of cybersecurity experience plus his robust hardware/software knowledge to keep the MTA global client-base event data safe and secure,” Battistini said.
With over 20 years of experience in the technology industry, Daniel Conroy will serve as the Chief Digital Officer for Miller Tanner Associates. In this role, Daniel is responsible for all digital initiatives including operational technology and security for the firm.
“One of the best parts of my job is that I get to solve complex problems with an amazing team. We are charged with delivering innovative solutions to fundamentally improve the way MTA operates. It’s an exciting shift for the company and one that will elevate our clients’ experience,” Conroy remarked.
Daniel began his career in New York City with a technology consulting firm at a transformative time with the union of business and technology. While working with firms ranging from large multinationals to boutique clients, the need to deliver well-designed, secure, reliable tools has always been a constant in his career.
Insatiably curious, Daniel supplements his graduate degree in technology management from New York University by keeping a pulse on what’s next, permitting him to stay ahead of the technical curve.
currently resides in Massachusetts.
Mary Long, Chief Compliance Officer
Mary Long will serve as Chief Compliance Officer for Miller Tanner Associates. In her role, she will develop controls, procedures and system solutions to enhance the effectiveness of the compliance function at Miller Tanner Associates. She will continue to maintain oversight of compliance controls as part of the risk assessment process, address program gaps and manage compliance issues that arise, including driving remediation activities and reporting on related outcomes.
“Mary’s consistent education on the ever-changing and expanding country guidelines has resulted in detailed country hospitality reviews which have helped our clients proactively prepare for the different countries from which some invitees originate. MTA is becoming the one-stop shop for our clients to ask their compliance questions, and I’m happy to report Mary knows the answers,” Battistini said.
For a decade, Mary utilized her BSN RN degree to primarily focus on patient care in oncology, nephrology, and orthopedics. After moving to Nashville, Tennessee, she continued to use her nursing and management experience to transition into the clinical research organization (CRO) industry with global positions in clinical operations and clinical quality compliance for over twenty years. In 2012, Mary transitioned from the CRO industry to supporting the quality and compliance talents of Miller Tanner Associates, developing the company policies, departmental standard operating procedures, process standards, risk assessments, security posture and reporting tools for multiple companies.
“I look forward to continuing Miller Tanner Associates’ vision for expanding our service and system offerings that make our company so unique,”Long said.
Mary currently resides in Texas.
Scott Nodolf, Chief Revenue Officer
Scott Nodolf will serve as Chief Revenue Officer for Miller Tanner Associates. With over 18 years of experience in the life sciences/healthcare industry, Scott will lead the MTA Commercial Team providing strategic leadership for sales, marketing, and proposals.
“Scott’s knowledge on how to build a successful sales team and share uniform messaging is second only to his intensity around providing the best customer experience possible,” Battistini said. “He answers every question from the perspective of how will this impact our clients’ experience at MTA. He combines his “team” voice with his strong approach to “client-focused” action in order to create a powerful outcome.”
Scott is coming to MTA from The Health Management Academy (The Academy), an exclusive membership organization for executives from the country’s top 100 health systems and innovative healthcare companies, where he served as chief customer officer. Scott also worked with ICON plc, a global provider of outsourced development services to the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and medical device industries. He served on ICON’s team for 18 years, most recently in the position of executive director of business development. He has been a customer-driven commercial leader throughout his career, developing strategic partnerships with his clients while coaching and developing high-performing commercial teams.
“Having known Marnie and many other MTA team members for nearly a decade as a previous customer, I could not be more excited to join this wonderful organization. One of my biggest passions, creating customer value, perfectly aligns to MTA’s focus of creating unique and engaging customer experiences,” Nodolf added.
Scott received his Bachelor of Science in biology from Lake Forest College, his Master of Business Administration from Lake Forest Graduate School of Management, and a Certificate in International Business Management from University College Dublin Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School.
He currently resides in downtown Chicago, Illinois.
Meredith Shottes, Chief Experience Officer
Meredith Shottes, CMP, will serve as Chief Experience Officer for Miller Tanner Associates. In her new role, Meredith will oversee the strategic leadership of live, virtual and hybrid event services at MTA and continue to drive innovation to develop best-in-class event experiences for our clients.
“Meredith has learned all the aspects within MTA of what it means to plan and execute exceptional events while always providing the best in customer service. Whether the audience at each MTA event is live, remote, or a hybrid combination, Meredith’s deep understanding of what makes an event exceptional is just one of the reasons she leads the Global Experiences Team,” Battistini continued. “Combine the depth of her event experience with her knowledge of the market pricing and her commitment to providing exceptional customer service, and you can see why she is a formidable force at MTA. She is always willing to educate and inspire the Global Experiences Team and our clients in our work together creating exceptional events.”
Originally from the Boston area, Meredith began her career 18 years ago in the meeting and event industry as a freelance planner for high profile financial clients in New York City, where she helped produce corporate and social events ranging from intimate VIP luncheons to 500-person CSR initiatives and 10K-person “picnics.” She then brought her talents to an established conference center in the city, which oversaw and produced more than 150 internal and external meetings a week. In 2007, she heralded a shift to the pharmaceutical industry and joined Miller Tanner Associates as a global conference director, applying her event management experience to executing clinical investigator meetings, advisory board and executive committee meetings, national sales meetings, as well as president’s club and incentive trips around the world – quickly developing a niche expertise in pharmaceutical industry events and their specific requirements. In 2012, she was promoted to global account director overseeing a significant global partnership with an industry leader. In 2014, she was again promoted to director of global operations, where she has had the great pleasure of working with a fantastic team of event professionals based on 6 continents.
“I am thrilled to start on this new chapter of my career at MTA. We have a strong focus on leveraging technology to enhance our creative process and services, as well as giving our clients deeper access to their data and trends. Keep an eye out for these advances in the very near future. We cannot wait to share!” Shottes noted.
Meredith currently resides in New York City, New York.
Jennifer Sweeney, Chief Financial Officer
Jennifer Sweeney will serve as Chief Financial Officer for Miller Tanner Associates. She will continue to provide financial management and strategic planning for all company financial and personnel aspects. This includes the management of budgeting, long-term forecasting, company financing, cash management, financial compliance, and all personnel-related areas.
“Jennifer is a unique combination of “accountant” with “artistry”. Her talents include being an expert in all things financial while still being creative in how she informs the team on what is sometimes a hard subject. Recently Jennifer educated the MTA global team on MTA finances while likening it to baking a cake. Her simple visual conveyed her complex messaging perfectly while producing amazing cupcakes we all enjoyed later. This combination of expert financial knowledge with creativity really makes Jennifer a remarkable CFO for MTA,” Battistini explained.
Jennifer began her career in public accounting and then proceeded to join the corporate accounting realm. With twelve years working for an international automobile manufacturer she gained a wealth of knowledge related to international accounting and financial compliance while managing an accounting team across multiple countries and regions. She then transitioned away from manufacturing into the services industry working for a private equity company for several years before coming to Miller Tanner Associates.
“I’m excited to be a part of a leadership team that works so well across departments to plan for the future, problem solve in the present, and learn from our past,” Sweeney added.
Jennifer currently resides in Tennessee.
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