Innovative Solutions for Clinical and Commercial Meetings

innovative solutions clinical-commercial meetings
Dawn Barnes

Miller Tanner is a global event planning and logistics company that is solution-focused and offers options for worldwide events whether for clinical or commercial teams. We continue to evolve to stay on trend with new meeting requirements and technologic developments.

Solution-Focused Services

We aim to be at the forefront of developing services which resolve the challenges corporate teams experience during clinical development and problem-solve in advance the issues that site attendees may face during their required training. We do this to help drive recruitment into the clinical trial to enhance protocol adherence.  For commercial teams, we can deploy our Paperless App to create multiple rotating mock settings to ensure sales pitch uniformity and sales team’s product knowledge retention during a product launch.

Secure Technology and Software Development

We have made significant investments in our internal technology and software development along with heightening our security to cater to growing meeting requirements, especially for future European personal data security and consent.

Proprietary On-Demand Trainer/Learning Management System

To ensure our worldwide events meet the variety of hospitality guidelines and country codes of conduct that is required of the pharmaceutical industry, we have enhanced our proprietary On-Demand Trainer/Learning Management System (ODT/LMS).  This tool allows us to repurpose your live event whether face-to-face, virtual or hybrid to facilitate consistency in training and provide trackability to help achieve 100% training completion even if everyone cannot be in the same room on the original day of training.  We can conduct a demonstration of this service to showcase how this supports 21 CFR part 11 for electronic signature and reporting.

Miller Tanner is always happy to assist you with mitigating your training challenges and can provide creative and innovative solutions for reaching your company’s overall training goals.


Dawn Barnes, Director, Global Sales
Miller Tanner Associates